Mary, Mother of God*

November 29, 2024

Mary is arguably the most important woman who has ever lived simply because of the role she played (and continues to play) in the redemption of the human race.  This 'redemption', or salvation, of our eternal souls is singularly the most important thing in our own existence!  Nothing else even comes close,  Nothing Else Matters!!!  I cannot stress this enough. 


My soul, your soul, our souls, will exist forever, not in these earthly human bodies but in the immortal bodies we will receive at the final resurrection.  We need to find God during this life that we have been gifted.  We need to find Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life,  the path to eternal life!  There is an often asked question, "What is the meaning of life?  The meaning of life is to seek God, to find Him, to know Him, and to serve Him in this life so that we can be with Him forever in the next!"  The only other option is unthinkable!


Having said all that, anyone on the planet Earth who is even remotely capable of love, should love Jesus' mother.  It follows that we should also have a deep and abiding respect for her.  Out of this mutual love and respect, a relationship forms where we listen and speak to each other with kindness and gentleness.  What will you say to Jesus Himself at your judgement when He asks you what you thought of or, how you treated His own mother?


No one worships Mary, no Catholics, no human beings, no angels, no one.  Mary doesn't want or demand worship from us.  We love her because she is Jesus' mother.  We appreciate her for taking part in our redemption.  And, of course, we thank her for accepting God's request to be the human mother of His incarnate, only begotten Son.


Have you ever asked someone to pray for you for a specific reason?  Or maybe you just asked them to keep you in their regular, daily prayers.  It's normal for people to do this right?  As Catholics, we might ask family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, or even colleagues to pray for us and certainly we would ask priests, ministers, deacons, pastors, sisters or other religious to do the same.


Why is it so hard then for our Protestant brethren to understand that as Catholics,  when we speak to Mary in prayer, we are simply asking her to pray for us?  That's all we're doing.  Break down any of the prayers directed to Mary and you will see this for yourself.  Here's a couple of questions for you.  As His earthly mother, could Mary be any closer to Jesus?  Is there a more appropriate advocate who has ever existed for us to reach out to in our time of need?


There is no worship directed towards Mary.  And, we don't ask God to pray for us, we absolutely worship Him!  The is in fact the only worship Catholics do and it's aimed solely at the one, triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Immaculate Conception

There is confusion out there, even amongst some Catholics, about what the Immaculate Conception actually is.  Confusion because there are those who think it is related to Mary’s conception of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.  This is not the case.  


Catholics believe in the Immaculate Conception of Mary.  St. Joachim and St. Anne are the parents of Mary.


Mary was “redeemed in a more exalted fashion, by reason of the merits of her Son” (CCC 492). She has more reason to call God her Savior than we do, because he saved her in an even more glorious manner.



Catholics believe Mary is 'ever virgin' or a perpetual virgin and that the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as the virgin birth, are both miracles that God Himself wrought to preserve Mary's purity.  To deny either is to deny God's omnipotence. 


Hail Mary

The Hail Mary is the main prayer of the rosary and is likely recited millions of times each and every day.



Catholics believe in the Assumption of Mary.


Hail, Holy Queen!

God Himself has elevated Mary to be the Queen of Heaven.  Any Christian should certainly recognize this as fact.  Even non-Christians should, at the most basic level, consider this to be true.  There is no one in all of God's creation, not even the angels, who can lay claim to the importance of Mary to the human race.








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